Género: Action,Adventure,Romance.
Año: 2021
Duración: 99 min.
Formato: 720p
Actores: David A.R. White,Steven Bauer,Jon Lovitz,Jeff Fahey,Lauriane Gilliéron,Nathalie Rapti Gomez,Matthew Marsden,Vincent De Paul,Kira Reed Lorsch,Andrei Claude,Yaz Canli,Paul Piercy,Andrea Sabatino
Colton Riggs down on his life, runs away to the Caribbean to leave his worries behind. When he accidentally picks up a serum that has the ability to heal disease. While being hunted by the operatives to get it back, he falls in love with a woman who is also trying to get away. In a twist, the operatives realize that Colton knows nothing about the serum. At his breaking point, Colton is ready to give up. But then he learns that his ex-wife has passed away and he has a daughter. This revives Colton\'s will to live and shows him there is a purpose for every single life. So, he steps into his calling to retrieve the serum and win back the girl.
Idioma | Formato | Calidad | Peso | Opcion 1 |
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MP4 | 720p | 1.80GB. | Descargar |
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