Género: Adventure,Drama,Action,Fantasy.
Año: 2009
Duración: 93 min.
Formato: DVDRip
Actores: Mads Mikkelsen,Gary Lewis,Jamie Sives,Ewan Stewart,Alexander Morton,Callum Mitchell,Andrew Flanagan,Douglas Russell,Maarten Stevenson,Gordon Brown,Gary McCormack,Robert Harrison,Mathew Zajac,Stewart Porter,James Ramsey,Rony Bridges,P.B. McBeath
1000 AD, for years, One Eye, a mute warrior of supernatural strength, has been held prisoner by the Norse chieftain Barde. Aided by Are, a boy slave, One Eye slays his captor and together he and Are escape, beginning a journey into the heart of darkness. On their flight, One Eye and Are board a Viking vessel, but the ship is soon engulfed by an endless fog that clears only as the crew sights an unknown land. As the new world reveals its secrets and the Vikings confront their terrible and bloody fate, One Eye discovers his true self.
Idioma | Formato | Calidad | Peso | Opcion 1 |
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AVI | DVDRip | 1.80GB. | Descargar |
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